Million Dollar Facial
We’re a result driven skincare brand. A complete business solution consisting of cosmeceutical grade products designed to target and treat all skin types.
We have a diverse range of products. Our professional range consists of 29 skincare products and enables us to carry out result driven treatments within your salon, following many of our robust protocols. Our cosmeceutical retail range of products consists of 25 clinically backed products that have gathered the interest and acclaim of top publications such as Vogue, Tatler, Harpers Bazaar and Vanity fair.
Mini Million Dollar Facial

A perfect introduction to the Million Dollar Facial systemahands on treatment to set atreatment plan for your skincare journey. This facial targetsall skin types and concerns andcan be recommended as booster facial. Combining a deep cleanse, exfoliation, massage,mask and moisturise
Million Dollar Superfacials

The 2 Superfacials arebespoke hands on facials, designed to target individual needs.TheGlow Superfacial A luxurious facial combining Million Dollar Vit C10 serum and theMillion Dollar Ice globes. Vit C10 serum is a powerful antioxidant containing L-ascorbic acid at10%, which has been clinically proven to help clear free radicals caused by ageing, lifestyleand pollution. These free radicals also damage small blood vessels which carry vital nutrientsto the skin. Perfect for concerns of pigmentation, uneven skin tone and age spots leaving skinlooking more radiant and your complexion more youthful.
The Hydrate Superfacial is using A powerful, high concentration of 15 % hyaluronic acid in theHA15 serum. A humectant to attract moisture from the blood vessels into the skin.Suitablefor use on all skin types, the serum absorbs quickly tohydrate and keep skin supple. Theactive serum will help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles whilst promotingan even skin tone and a youthful complexion. Optimal skin hydration helps to heal andsoothe inflammation.Perfect for a skin thatis inflamed, sensitive or active
Million Dollar Dermaplaning

A manual exfoliation cosmetic procedure that gently abrades thedeadlayers of the skinusing a surgical blade with our industry leading Million Dollar professional skin care products.This advanced treatment includes a lymphatic drainage massage andluxury mask. Theprocedure aims to increase the absorption of skincare products and diminish fine lines andwrinkles. The treatment stimulates collagen synthesis and creates a healthy glow and aradiant complexion. Dermaplane aims to make your skins surface smooth, youthful andradiant. It is also used to remove “peach fuzz” the short soft vellus nonterminal hair fromyour face.
Million Dollar Microneedling

The aim of our Million Dollar micro needling treatment is to traumatise the skin withoutcollateraldamage to the epidermis and healthy skin tissue. The recovery is rapid, with littledowntime, pain or discomfort. Million Dollar micro needling is used to treat and improveconditions like acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, skin texture,pore size, brownspots, stretch marks, and pigment issues. Working with our bespoke products with full clinicalevidence the products and treatment combined are a real powerhouse for results
Million Dollar Facial

A luxurious facial where science meets indulgence. Working your skin from the outside in, ithas been designed to deeply exfoliate dead skin cells and remove nonterminal hair usingdermaplaning, this will polish the skin, flush toxins, increase and stimulate our naturalcollagen and cell turnover.
This method will heavily increase the absorption of any active ingredients by 80% as opposedto 8%, therefore we use our Million Dollar mask for maximum results infused with Moroccanlava clay and glycolic acid. Our unique protocol which including skin needling and lymphatic drainage massage. The Million Dollar facial like all our Million Dollar protocols performedwith our Million Dollar professional range of specifically designed, clinically proven andprotected products. This facial will help to target Pigmentation, dull skin, scarring andantiaging revealing a smoother, even toned complexion.
Million Dollar Miracle Mask

The ground-breaking facial mask packed with clinically proven ingredients. The multi-functional treatment designed to work miracles in one session. Leaving skin tighter, firmerand brighter. Treatment time is 45minutes but can be combined with Dermaplaning for a60minute enhanced Facial. Using the latest in peptide technology, this Miracle Mask has theunique ability to create micro circulation, promote collagen and elastin and stimulatedetoxification. Thus, instantly energising the skin giving you that red carpet look 72 hoursbefore any big event in your social calendar.
Million Dollar Immaculate Peels

Typically administered as a facial peel, a chemical peel enhances and smoothens the textureof the skin. It is an effective treatment for facial blemishes, wrinkles and unevenpigmentation or problematic skin acne and active pustules. They exfoliate the outer layers ofdead skin, revealing a new skin layer with improved tone and texture. The Million DollarImmaculate Collection contains three medium depth skin peels designed to be used on theirown or part of an ongoing treatment program in clinic to help manage issues with unevenskin tone and the ongoing ageing process
Million Dollar Clay Masks

Clay face masks have been used for centuries as part of traditional cleansing rituals. AtMillion Dollar Facial we wanted to formulatea trio of " active "clay masks using traditionalclay powders and clinically proven ingredients such as Alzeliac, mandelic & Kojic acids. Eachmask can be tailored to different skin concerns mirroring our skin peel and ampoulecollections.
Million Dollar Oxy Pro

Combining thescienceof the ancient yoga philosophyandworking with ingredients that havebeen passed down through generations and families have perfected over millenniawe havelaunched or newest facial the Million Dollar Oxy Proa hands on facial including anon-strenuous facial yogamassage.Yoga can boost circulation which brings more oxygen to yourcells, it can reduce stress and inflammation plus leading to a more restful sleep. Resulting in ahealthier radiant skin. Our key ingredient offers the same methodology.